One-to-One CEO Mentoring

One-to-One CEO Mentoring

In today’s fast-paced and ever-changing business world, the assistance of an experienced mentor can be the key to realising your full potential as a CEO. Our one-on-one CEO mentorship programmes are designed to provide you with personalised insights, ideas, and...
Prioritising Wellbeing in the ‘New Normal’

Prioritising Wellbeing in the ‘New Normal’

“It’s not how much money we make that ultimately makes us happy between 9 and 5. It’s whether or not our work fulfils us.” So says author Malcolm Gladwell.  And 2 years post-pandemic, this rings truer than ever. Wellbeing was one of the key priorities for leaders...
Leading a Hybrid Workforce

Leading a Hybrid Workforce

“Leading a hybrid workforce is going to be very difficult. We need to think about how to communicate, engage, motivate – all will be different going forward.”  That was a salient quote from one of the HR leaders we spoke to for our report Leadership in the Pandemic....
NHS: Leadership In A Crisis

NHS: Leadership In A Crisis

Three years ago, the first period of national lockdown began in the UK which heralded the biggest challenge the NHS has faced in its history. Merryck & Co was very proud to design and deliver a pro bono mentoring programme for a group of 40 NHS and Emergency...